How to Add A Gallery

Family Blog makes use of the built in galleries functionality that comes with WordPress. If you already know how to use that, then you may not need this post. If you want to learn, then read on! To create a new gallery:

  1. Go to the Posts area and Add a new post or edit an existing one.
  2. Click in the text area where you want your gallery to go, so that the cursor is blinking there.
  3. Click the Add Media button above the text box.
  4. A new window will appear, look for Create Gallery in the left sidebar and click it.
  5. You can now click on multiple images, and even upload new images here. Chosen images will have a checkbox in their upper right corner.
  6. Once you are satisfied with your selections click the Create a new gallery button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  7. You can now re-order the images if you would like to by dragging and dropping them.
  8. In the right sidebar, there are some settings. Play with them to see what you like. We think these settings look/work the best:
    • Link To: Media File, this will bring up a popup box when the image is clicked on.
    • Columns: We recommend 3-5
    • Random Order: Up to you
    • Size: Thumbnail

We can’t wait to see the great galleries that you create of your family, friends, and projects. Good luck.